find our items at our retailers!
You can shop in person or online, from our amazing retailers! Please note, they do not carry out whole collection of items 😊

Cherry Bomb Mercantile
517 East Ave
Toronto, ON M1C 2X1
*Greeting cards, mugs, magnets, pencils, notebooks, pins
lets go!
Markets Ontario
62 King Street West
Bowmanville, ON L1C 1R4
*order pick up available here
*Greeting cards, Notebooks, Notepads, Enamel Pins & Pencils
lets go!
The Maker's Hub
1380 Hopkins Street Unit #5
Whitby, ON L1N 2C3
*order pick up available here
*Greeting Cards, pencils, pins, notebooks, notepads & Sticky Notes
lets go!
Bazaar Gift Shop
66 Kensington Ave
Toronto, ON M5T 2K1
*Greeting Cards, pencils, pens, notebooks, Pins
lets go!